31 research outputs found

    Empathy and its implications for prosocial behavior and engagement with the arts

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    Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)This dissertation contains three essays examining empathy and its implications for prosocial behavior and arts engagement. Empathy here refers to both compassion and concern for others (emotional empathy) and the understanding of the feelings and needs of others (cognitive empathy). Empathy is fundamental to our social life, and this dissertation explores its implications for two essential components of social life: prosocial behavior and arts engagement. Chapter 2 examines how three dimensions of the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI; Davis, 1983)—empathic concern, perspective taking, and personal distress—are associated with charitable giving, and whether these associations vary across charitable causes. Using data from a nationally representative sample of American adults, the study confirms that the three IRI dimensions are associated with charitable giving in different ways. Chapter 3 focuses on the interplay of trait empathy and people’s tendencies to diversify (spread out) their prosocial behavior. By analyzing data from two samples of American adults, this study reveals that people with higher empathic concern (emotional empathy) versus higher perspective taking (cognitive empathy) have distinct patterns in how they spread out their monetary gifts, but trait empathy is not associated with the distribution of time spent in helping others

    Synthesis of Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane (POSS) Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes for Improved Dispersion in Polyurethane Films

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    Carbon nanotube (CNT) polymer nanocomposites are promising advanced materials. These materials exhibit the advantages of traditional polymeric materials, such as being light weight and easy to process, combined with the potential to exhibit enhanced mechanical, thermal and electrical properties compared to pure polymers. To achieve substantial improvement of composite properties at low CNT loading, uniform dispersion of CNTs in the polymer matrix and strong CNT-polymer interfacial interaction are needed. However, it is difficult to achieve adequate dispersion and interfacial interactions due to the inert nature of CNTs. In this project, polyhedral oligomeric silsequioxane (POSS) will be used as a dispersing agent for multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) in polyurethane (PU) matrices. This dissertation consists of six chapters. Chapter I provides a detailed introduction of the fundamental knowledge of CNTs, PU, and POSS. At the end of this chapter, the motivation and rationale of this research are given. Chapter II establishes the overall goal and specific objectives of this research. Chapter III describes the synthesis and characterization of three POSS modified CNTs and one organosilane modified CNT. Grafting efficiency of the different grafted molecules are calculated and compared. Chapter IV discusses the dispersion behavior of four covalently modified CNTs in both solvents and PU matrices. Differences in dispersion behaviors of the modified CNTs are correlated to the solubility parameters of the grafting molecules and the surface structures of modified CNTs. Chapter V provides further discussion of the dispersion of POSS and silane modified CNTs by reviewing the assessment of the physical properties of PU composites containing the modified CNTs. Morphological, thermal, mechanical and electrical properties are used to estimate the interactions of the modified CNTs with the PU matrix. Chapter VI explores the function of the trisilanolphenyl POSS lithium salt (TSPLi) as a dispersant for CNTs in thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) during melt extrusion. The dispersion of CNTs and TSPLi modified CNTs are estimated by mechanical and electrical property measurement of the PU/CNT and PU/CNT-POSS composites

    Global Dynamics of Gender and Philanthropy in Membership Associations: A Study of Charitable Giving by Lions Clubs International Members

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    This study investigates how women influence charitable giving in a large, international voluntary service organization—Lions Clubs International (LCI). Data were collected from a survey of Lions clubs members in 14 countries to assess the impact of both micro- and macro-level factors on charitable giving. Probit and Tobit models are used to determine the probability of giving as well as the amount of money donated to the Lions Clubs International Foundation. Results indicate that belonging to a club where at least half of the members are female and where we see an increase in the percent growth in female membership in the respondent’s country are associated with both a greater likelihood of donating as well as giving more to this international service club. Findings from our study have direct implications for voluntary service organizations, particularly with regard to issues of organizational culture, as more service organizations recruit female members

    Gender Differences in Giving Motivations for Bequest Donors and Non-Donors

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    This study explores gender differences in the inclusion of a charitable provision in one’s will. We found that overall among representative samples of households polled in different regions of the U.S., gender is not a statistically significant predictor of the intent to leave a charitable bequest, after controlling for other factors, such as age, income, and marital status.Made possible by an Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) research grant supported by Legacy Leader

    An Annotated Bibliography of Recent Literature on Current Developments in Philanthropy

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    As philanthropic organizations play an increasingly important role in societies around the world, the research on philanthropy – from giving and volunteering practices to regulatory frameworks to digital innovations – has also evolved in recent decades. It is important to develop a thorough overview of the relevant scientific discourses and literature on current developments in philanthropy. This will allow researchers and practitioners to enhance the understanding of philanthropy and to improve its practice worldwide. This report provides new insights on current developments and important changes in the global philanthropic landscape, including trends in global philanthropy and its interaction with other sectors of society

    The 2016 Planned Giving Study

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    Charitable bequests and other planned gifts have historically played a significant role in the funding of higher education institutions. Prominent institutions such as Harvard University, Johns Hopkins University, and the Julliard School have been established as a direct result of bequests, and these gifts continue to have a profound impact today. The field of planned giving has become more sophisticated over time. However, the complexity of various planned giving vehicles and the comparatively long time period required for planned gifts to be formalized make it difficult for researchers to systematically track and examine planned giving behavior. Existing studies, therefore, heavily rely on self-reported survey data or tax returns. This study is one of the first efforts that seek to understand the changing landscape of planned giving and to explore donor life-cycle trajectories at higher education institutions. This whitepaper is the first in what is hoped to be a series of reports based upon data on planned gifts and donors in the field of higher education. The whitepaper discusses findings from five case-study universities located across the U.S. As the study expands the sample to include more universities and colleges in the next phase, this report series will offer richer data and insights into more underexplored, yet important, questions in planned giving

    Giving in Florida

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    Florida's nonprofit sector plays a vital role in supporting local communities. However, the nonprofit sector also has room for growth. According to the Florida Nonprofit Alliance's 2020 report, Summary of the Economic Benefits of Florida's Nonprofit Sector, Florida ranks 47th out of 50 in the United States for the number of nonprofits per 1,000 residents with 4.5 nonprofits per 1,000 residents and 40th out of 50 in the financial impact nonprofits have on the state.This report aims to increase the understanding of philanthropy and provide the region's nonprofit sector, donors, and policy makers with valuable research allowing them to understand the motives and incentives behind individuals' charitable giving behavior. The study also provides analysis of how giving and volunteering patterns change with different donor demographics with the goal of encouraging the nonprofit sector to better connect with a wider range of donors.The study also offers unique insight into the wide range of ways that Floridians give back, including giving money directly to friends and loved ones, contributing to crowdfunding campaigns, and helping in ways other than giving money. The result is a more complete picture of how Floridians are investing in their communities.Finally, the research identifies areas of opportunity for the nonprofit sector. With both the sector and the larger Florida population still dealing with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the information in this report can help the nonprofit sector to keep moving forward to provide Floridians with a brighter future

    The Philanthropy Outlook 2018 & 2019

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    With the strong finish of the stock market and passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act at the end of 2017, 2018 is shaping up to be an unusual year, and we can expect major changes in the landscape of charitable giving. These factors will undoubtedly affect the baseline projections produced by The Philanthropy Outlook’s forecasting model. We hope the Philanthropy Outlook 2018 & 2019 offers helpful insight into the complex factors influencing the philanthropic environment and can assist you in making important decisions for your organization

    Giving in Chicago

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    The report examines the patterns of charitable giving by households and corporations in the region for 2013 and the characteristics of grantmaking by foundations in the same region for 2012 (the latest year with available data). Findings from the study offer a better picture of the philanthropic landscape in the Chicago metro area and how it compares to the national philanthropic environment